Yes. Two personal experiences. Mine and my dads. I was an elders daughter. (he has since resigned)
My dad was threatened with a personal lawsuit, I don't know what the reason with, he never told me that. I can safely assume it has nothing to do with blood transfusions or child custody/abuse.
He called the Legal Help Desk at Georgetown Bethel in Canada and was pretty much told "good luck with that". They told him they don't get involved in personal lawsuits.
My experience was I came across the letter posted in the link below, I was pretty desperate and I tried it and it worked. It doesn't always work for everyone but it did for me. My dads experience "clicked" when I read this letter and I decided it was worth a shot, what did I have to lose? My goal was to ALSO try to get it to become a Human Rights Issue and have HR take on the WBTS, since they both have lots of money it would be fun to watch, and I knew I couldnt take on the WBTS myself. ( I was able to get a tribunal from the Canadian Human Rights Commission, basically they had a little hearing and discussed my suggestion that - It would be an infringement of my human rights to to have me enter into a contract with a the WBTS as a minor, therefore my baptism was null and void.) Anyways human rights denied that it was a human rights issue because of religious freedoms, here in Canada they bend over backwards to accomodate those rights to the extent they infringe on freedoms from religion. Human rights suggested a civil lawsuit and that I contact the police for criminal harassment. I kept giving my parents pleasant updates on everything I was doing, so that probably helped to intimidate them. My mom cried when I told her about the tribunal.
I think it depends on your situation, the hall, the elders and of course your financial situation and theirs.